Do I need a Strata Report and a Building Inspection?
When you’re buying a unit you need insights and reassurance into what you’re really buying.
A strata report will help you find out if the complex is well-run, well-maintained, adequately financed, and planning for the future. The report will provide you with advice and insights to leave you with:
Details of major repairs carried out and in planning.
Check the levy amounts, available funds and any current or potential special levies.
Deep knowledge of particular site specific property quirks.
Check the by-laws for issues such as pet approvals and by-laws applicable to your unit.
Answers to all of your strata questions.
A building inspection is an expert assessment of the overall condition of the property by comparing it to other units of a similar type, age, and construction method/materials used. The report will note all major defects, potential problems or safety hazards, and timber pest.
The report will clearly indicate what was checked and any defects found will be described in plain english. Where appropriate, photos will be taken as well.
Who Can I Contact?
Strata Reports
Coastal Strata
Building Inspections
Inspect Wollongong